Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day

 We had beautiful weather today. We took the jet ski out for the first time this year. There was quite a bit of drama with that which included an oil filter in wrong and a dead battery so I got to buy a new battery.
Tyler had the day off work. He's back to work Tues at 6:30 a.m. I hope the good weather continues because if it rains, he may not work. Most of their work is outside--weedwacking and fixing signs and such.

Tyler on the tube.

Jasmine and Kaleb on the tube.



Adam had to work today but he got to come to the bay for quite a while first.


Adam on our new turtle.

Ready to pull someone on the tube. Our spotter sits backwards so he/she can see when someone falls off and tap me.

Rick grilling.

Hunter, his mom and his niece joined us at the bay.

Kayla joined us on the jet ski.

Jessica and Hunter

Jasmine gives Kaleb a ride.

I wasn't sure what they were up to.

Adam headed out to work.


Rick fighting, er cutting, the watermelon. I was the only non watermelon eating person in the whole group.





I don't think anyone really wants to go back to school tomorrow. I know I do not want to get up at 5:05 a.m. But only a few days left. Right now the house is looking very clutters because there  is Disney (for the two who are going) packing, cruise packing and mission camp packing going on. We still have Adam's graduation, Jasmine's middle school Aloha dance, the twins' field day and all the end of the year parties to go. Anyone done already?


One Crowded House said...

We get out not this friday, but the next. NO- the kids did not want to go back to school today after the 3 day weekend.

I ordered some craft books to work on this summer.

Got your women of the bible devotional in the mail- looks great! Is there one for men of the bible?

Kathy Cassel said...

It's just too beautiful outside to go to school! Sigh.

I asked her about doing a men of the Bible book for boys and she said one is already in the works so hopefully there will be one available in the next year.

My one coming out in Oct. is for both boys and girls 9-12 but really a year or two on either side depending on ability and understanding.

Renee said...

Beautiful!! We are looking at paddleboards. Do you have any recommendations?

Kathy Cassel said...

We rented our paddleboard at the bay. I would like to get one since the kids like it, but haven't looked into them yet.