Wednesday, March 16, 2011

So Much Excitement...

Okay, not really. It's spring break but we have nothing big planned. So here's what we've done.

On Monday I took Adam, Jasmine and the twins went to the bay. Jessica worked. Tyler and Jeff slept until noon. Jeff worked in the afternoon.

We had new kites to fly. Jasmine chose Batman over all the girly kites.

The water is too cold to swim but Kaleb chose to throw the ball into the water on purpose, so I made him go after it : ) Adam helped him. They were cold but it was 74F so while the water was icy, the air wasn't. Hopefully--lesson learned. Don't be a stinker.

On Tuesday I took Tyler, Adam, Jasmine and the twins to the cheap theater to watch yogi. Jessica was working and so was Jeff (Jessica works at the theater and Jeff at BK). We went to the first showing. The first show of the day is only $1. Popcorn and drinks are only $1 on Tuesdays too. We never get those because it's cheaper to fill the bucket and get a large drink and refill it. But every other mother with four or more children decided to come to the $1 show on $1 popcorn day. It was PACKED. We waited over 30 minutes for a drink refill during the movie. Yogi and Tangled were both sold out.

Today we went to our favorite beach.

It will take a couple of months of hot weather for the water to be warm, but it was perfect for kicking around the soccer ball, playing Frisbee and building sand castles.

Adam was in a diving mood.

I have a penguins kite.

Tomorrow is just a catch up day around home and then on Friday we have the church directory portrait. Hmm. Think we can get nine people smiling at the camera at the same time? Maybe if they think about going to the Chinese buffet afterwards....

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