Last night Rick and Jasmine went to Ty's church (even though he's not here, it was open to the community) for hot dogs, hamburgers, popcorn etc plus an egg hunt and the Muppet Movie. Rick and Jasmine wanted to see it but missed it at the theater. Only Jasmine went because she's the only one with no inappropriate behaviors during the week and who didn't act out when Rick had to take the little three with him to Ace and Lowes because Jessica and I were grocery shopping and he needed different parts to fix the toilet. In fact, she even got kicked during an acting out fit.
It was good that she could have dad to herself and have some fun. We didn't find out about this until the day before and hadn't told the kids we were planning to take them because we wanted to see how Saturday played out since it was not a stellar week for the twins.
Upcoming testing is causing a lot of stress for Jasmine, so she's not smiling that much right now. It's great to see the smile in the picture. There is very little chance she will pass the 5th grade math FCAT. She is actually doing 4th grade math at school and struggling with it.
When I looked at an FCAT practice book, I wondered if I could pass the math section! There are algebraic equations with exponents. Be real! Fifth grade FCAT is a pass/fail year which means if she doesn't pass it, she fails 5th grade. We are going to fight it since she has an IEP. Repeating 5th won't help. That won't undo the damage caused by drugs.
Adam's track meet ended before I got there yesterday. Usually it lasts well into evening but it was over at 3:30! That's because it rained so they canceled many of the events. He got second place in the boys' 800 running it in 2:47. He ran the mile in 5:20 which was 6 seconds slower than the last time. In track, every second counts. At 5:20 I wouldn't be quite half way yet!!
Adam has a meet Wednesday afternoon. That is our crazy day due to having to pick people up from two different schools and getting them to dance and tumbling. But I hope to get there for part of it. Let's just hope it's the part where he has an event!
Jeff has been running 6 and 13 mile races lately. He has an important one coming up in May.
And that's it for now. Just curious, for those of you reading this-how long does it take you to run/walk a mile?
HaHa! I run a very slow 12 minute mile!
Ha, if I walk a mile it takes me a real long time because I am probably doing it at the mall.
They should not hold Jasmine back because she has an IEP. What accomodations dies she have fr math? Sara at that time was able to use a claculator....on everything.
Since she has an IEP, if we can prove she met the benchmarks they can't retain her. But I don't know if she'll meet all the fifth grade benchmarks.
I'm with you on the passing 5th grade deal. That's the whole purpose of an IEP. In our state, we can't hold a child back without parent permission.
I don't think testing alone should ever be used. Jasmine is not immature for her grade and she holds her own except on comprehending math and some sci stuff. It's genetic and it's drugs so doing the grade over isn't going to help.
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