Monday, October 17, 2011

Week End

This was a crazy weekend. Some weekends we have nothing to do. Others, like this one, there are 6-8 places we are supposed to be on Saturday. We didn't do everything we wanted to, and I don't have pictures of everything that we did do.

Caspian likes to be out back with Scrappy. When someone's not watching them, they are on chains because they can get through the gate.

What to do with the visitor in the water bowl?

Soccer action with Jasmine. It was team picture day. The recreation league has the different colored uniforms, but the arsenal kids all have the same bright green shirts. It's a step up from recreational soccer for the kids who will go on to competitive soccer. I really don't think Jasmine will though. She just doesn't have the drive.

Throw in

Saturday was open house for the FSU

Jessica met with the underwater crime scene people. She's driving the video ray. They use it to search in the water for weapons, bodies etc.

This is the view from the college.

It was hard to see the video ray screen in the sun.

This is what it looks like. Basically it's a camera made to search underwater, and it is controlled from land.

Jessica is making it submerge.

Jessica in the dive locker. They have all sorts of scuba tanks, wet suits and other equipment.

Anyone tried the harvest orange tomato soup?

I made it for the kids, but I didn't actually have any myself.

This weekend was also fall festival at Jasmine's school and the coach's soccer game and movie night. No pictures of that. We ended up skipping the rest of the stuff on Saturday. On Sunday Jasmine caught up on some things after church and then we went to Spy Kids 4.

I hope this school week is better than last. One child was suspended from the bus and another from school for hitting a teacher : ( I'm hoping they both were totally bored being grounded this weekend so we won't have repeats. Overall everyone is doing pretty well. And everyone is making progress. Sometimes a couple of them don't think before they act, and that's something they have to work on--or face the consequences.

Today is soccer try outs for Adam. We'll see if he makes the high school team.


Karen said...

Lots going on at your place. Question, why didn't you try the soup? I haven't tasted that either. Hope this week is better and calmer.

Kathy Cassel said...

No real reason. I was just getting all the food around and never got to it.