Friday, August 19, 2011


Went to new student orientation at Jasmine's school, and then took her supplies to her 5th grade classroom.

Then went to first grade orientation at the twin's school. Tyler went with Kaleb and I went with Kayla.

I hope this year goes well for everyone. We are moving Tyler to college tomorrow, and Jessica is having to change her schedule for the third time.

We are having issues with Kayla that I hope don't carry over into the classroom this year. When I am not home, whether I just run to the store or I am out of town, she takes on a very sassy attitude with Tyler or Rick. They have told me about it, and Adam has heard it even though she doesn't use the tone on him.

I left a tape player for Tyler to tape record her when I went to Universal. He played it for me when I got home. I was blown away with the smart mouth sassy tone I heard. It was REALLY bad. He had put her on her bed in time out. She tore up the room so he moved her to Jessica's top bunk. She started yelling, "Don't care. Don't care. I am just going to get down right now so you can just watch this." She then wagged her bottom in his face. She said a few more smart mouth things and then jumped off the bed. He said, "You are going to be in trouble with Mom and Dad."

She said "I am just going to scream at you. TYLERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" then went into loud, dramatic crying when he set her back on the the bed. I took the tape to her counseling session and played it for the counselor. She said Tyler had remained a lot more calm than she would have. Then we talked about how Kayla will not be able to have any privileges until she can learn to be respectful with whoever is in charge.

Why I am writing about all this? Because her sassy mouth just blew me away. Because I wonder why she doesn't do that to me, Jessica or Adam but does for Rick or Tyler. (And it upsets me because Rick spends so much time playing board games with her which drives me crazy. And he will put her to bed early or in time out or spank her same as me.) Because someone else might be going through this and think they are all alone. Because I'm hoping that her teacher will demand respect from the start.

While I'm sharing here, I will just say that we have a situation that needs a small miracle. I can't say much about it, which is why I haven't mentioned it. But we need one person to sign one paper which she is absolutely refusing to sign. If it doesn't happen in the next week or so, it will be too late.

Well, need to help Ty finish packing and find a large box of kleenex for tomorrow (Saturday).

1 comment:

Felicia said...

I understand about the different behaviors with different people. Anthony is so defiant with a condescending tone to Sarah and Joselin. He doesn't talk that way to me, DH, Tasha or Jason. He has been in trouble at church, school and even on the cruise for talking that way to others. I have walked in and caught parts of it and it is really defiant and rude. I have to go back to school and Sarah and Joselin are babysitters until DH gets home from Augusta. I plan on taping it because it is totally unacceptable.

I will pray for your other need.