Friday, October 16, 2009


Jasmine literally ran into the goal Tuesday evening at practice.

Eggs, bacon and boo boo kitty and she's feeling better.

When Jessica dropped band she got to add two electives. One was sewing and this pillow is her first project.

I'm so discouraged about the adoption. I've had stuff for the twins and trips to Haiti stored in four suitcases. Cleaned it out and a bunch is going to Goodwill. My file hasn't moved in over six months!!! We have a long, long way to go. Now extra blankets are stored in the suitcases.

Everyone feels lazy with the rainy weather yesterday and today. It pours in the morning and clears by afternoon. It still gets up to the mid 80s here.

Chick Fil A has had free breakfast each day this week. One day was three minis, one day was sausage bisquit. Today was a free chicken bisquit. We bought drinks and hash browns to go with it. This was my first morning to go. The others went Wed & Thurs also. Monday and Tues no one went. I don't know if this was nation wide or local.

Sharing a sweet tea. Keep Rick in prayer today. His company is regionalizing and three of the top jobs are being cut. His is one of them. He gets his two week notice today. He can bump someone lower in the company but it looks like the income will take about a $1,000 a month cut. Yikes.


One Crowded House said...

that is a scary thing about his job... will he know for sure today if he still has a job there?

the weather has been rainy here too!

Julie said...

I am so sorry this is so tough Kathy! I will be praying for Rick's job situation today.

kayder1996 said...

I'm sorry about Rick's job and the twins' adoption. I know it's frustrating when it feels like the major things in life are just not going the way we want or had planned or even that they are going in a direction that seems like it is the work of a loving God. I have really been meditating this last week or so on doubting the goodness of God because I think I have been. So let me encourage you not to doubt His goodness.

Karen said...

Life gets hard. My husband was laid off last month. But he is able to do a bit of independent business, until something comes along. So sorry to hear about the adoption problems. God knows and I will keep your family in my prayers.

Tell Jasmine, OUCH! May she feel better soon.