Monday, February 4, 2013

Just the Boring Stuff

 This has not been the most exciting weekend/week we've ever had. In fact, it's been pretty boring, trying and disappointing. So if you're looking for a cheery post, this isn't it. Last week was Jasmine's EEG, Ty's program closing before he got to go, the lost adoptive child and my less than spectacular royalties. I also found out I need a root canal and a filling.

Jessica had a wisdom tooth pulled and she had to go to an oral surgeon because they thought it was going to be more difficult than it actually was. So here is my baby girl being guarded by her baby girl after the extraction.

On Saturday I saw on face book that a family from church was at a nearby park, so we  went over there and had a few minutes with them before they left. 

Then I walked a mile while the girls played. I hurt my knee seven months ago today and still have problems with one spot. It's now been over a year since an uninsured driver backed into my car because she couldn't see out her  back window--yep, she really said that (and got a ticket for it!)--and she still has not paid me back my deductible.
Jasmine got the rest of her braces on today and the wires. She's hurting tonight. I've packed apple sauce, yogurt and soft cookies in her lunch and we're going to make a noodle cup and put it in a thermos for her for lunch also. Almost as bad as the braces, she found out that she has to go to school on her birthday, which is also President's Day. All the other schools in the county are off, but she goes to a charter school. They got MLK Jr day, but not President's Day. That just doesn't seem right to me.

Adam cleaned carpets.

Jessica relaxed Jasmine's hair.

Much easier to comb out.

Tyler is job hunting.

I guess even though things have been tough lately, we are basically healthy. Rick is having some problems that may go into bronchitis, and a couple kids have mild sinus issues, but we haven't been hit with the bad stuff.  Neither vehicle has broken down since last October and all the kids are passing school. So there's the stuff to be thankful for! 

How about you? What's been the toughest thing and what are you most thankful for? Come on. At least forty people come by this blog each day, usually more, but only one or two leave comments. I know that sometimes there isn't that much to say, but feel free to offer suggestions, recipes and your own stories. However, if you haven't faced a certain parenting issue, feel free NOT to tell me how not to handle it : )


Sarah said...

How is Jeff doing in the Army?

Hopefully Tyler will be able to find a job soon!

I too, find it odd why so many people get MLK day off but not Presidents day. Several of my friends work for big national companies in business and healthcare, and they get Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Memorial Day off...thats it, but they also always get MLK day off. It would be interesting to know the rationale behind it. said...

Arizona gives MLK, but not President's Day, and it had to do with the Superbowl coming/not coming. Most of the schools still get President's Day, but my husband doesn't get it off. So strange.

The toughest thing this week was the anniversary of my dad and brother's deaths. They were years apart, but only a few days apart. My brother was shot at 29, and it's hard to believe he would be 40 this year. My dad passed away two years ago, and it never does get easier, just different.

I am thankful seeing out of town relatives this month. For some reason, this seems to be the month that many members of my extended family are coming to visit. I love to see them, and they stay with my mom, so I don't have to stress!

I am glad you are all fairly healthy, and I hope Ty finds what he is looking for soon.

Kathy Cassel said...

It sounds like we aren't the only ones who get MLK but not PD. Every few years Jasmine's bd lands on PD.

Sarah--I don't really know how Jeff's doing. Because of his attachment issues, I don't get real answers when I asked. I e-mailed him yesterday and he just said it was a boring week and he's fine and doesn't need anything.

Emily said...

When I went to San Jose State University, there was a semester that I griped and groaned about not getting Presidents Day off. I complained that the school would probably do something dumb like make a Cesar Chavez Day. And wouldn't you know...that was the semester that the university started taking Cesar Chavez Day! I agree with Jasmine...they should have Presidents Day off!!! If y'all lived closer, I would hire Adam to come clean my carpets!

Rose Anne said...

I am sick of the cold and the snow, not being able to find a job and only having one car..Thank God my sister has a good paying job and is willing to help out until I can find something! I am homeschooling both her daugther and my son...
thankful a son who wants to learn and is a caring young man!
try giving oregano oil(capsuls only) the oil is nasty for the sinus stuff!

Kath said...

The toughest thing this week has been trying to put a rush on and get the majority of my college work for this semester finished before my supervisor goes on maternity leave in a couple of weeks. But alongside that, the thing I'm most thankful for is that her pregnancy is now going smoothly and her baby is doing good, she's had a bit of a rough time :)

Kathy Cassel said...

Emily--that's funny. The sad thing is that there are days for all the different groups, but if we declared a "white" day, everyone would accuse of thinking we were better than anyone else. When I lived in SD, Columbus Day was known as "Native American Day."

Kathy Cassel said...

Rose Ann- I hope things are looking up for you soon! That's a lot at once.

Kathy Cassel said...

Kath--I understand that. Sometimes college work can be overwhelming. Jessica has really struggled because some of the criminology classes are very difficult. It looks like whoever wrote the books were intentionally trying to make it hard to understand. She is qualifying as rescue and also science diving this semester among other things.

What is your major?

Kath said...

In the UK we generally only study for one subject rather than a major and a minor, and mine is Chemistry! It's my last year too, so it's extra busy.

Kathy Cassel said...

I think Chemistry would be challenging. I know Jessica liked it in high school, and she has to take a class in college before she graduates.

Kath said...

It can be challenging! My focus is Fire Chemistry, and I love that so I think that makes it easier, whereas some of the elements I don't enjoy so much are harder. Jessica's course sounds really interesting, I don't think we have anything like the diving and rescue at my college!

Hevel said...

I made a statistic. For every 26 comment I leave on others' blogs I get a comment. It takes usually 140 page views for a comment. I think you are doing very well with the 40 visits for a comment stats.

Hevel said...

I made a statistic. For every 26 comment I leave on others' blogs I get a comment. It takes usually 140 page views for a comment. I think you are doing very well with the 40 visits for a comment stats.

Kathy Cassel said...

I guess sometimes there is nothing to say, but I find it funny that people will keep coming back if they aren't that interested.

Hevel said...

Well, a lot of the hits would be bots and spammers, so you are better off if those don't comment! I do, too, have recurring visitors, who have never commented, but from other places I know they read my every post. Weird.