I found this saved on my computer. From my original answers, I wrote the questions about two years ago. I updated my answers. Please play along. Answer at least five of the questions in the comment section. My answers are in blue. (I went back and looked it up and I made up these questions in March 2014 as part of a book give away).
Random questions:
1. If you were a
crayon, what color would you be? Blue, aqua, teal
2. Sad or happy movie
endings? Happy : )
3. Favorite Disney
princess? Merida? Belle? Maybe Rapunzel, Elsa or Anna. I seem to like them all.
4. Kids or pets?
Both. Pets are pets, not kids. Can't send them to college. But I have friends
who have given their pets child status.
5. Dog or cat person?
Was a cat person most of my life but am now a dog person. I love having someone
greet me at the gate excited to see me.
6. Kindle or
paperback book? Kindle! Didn't think I'd like a kindle because I don't like
reading off of the computer, but you can hold a kindle like a book and have
many books available at once. And you can decide you want to read a certain
book, buy it from amazon and be reading it in under a minute!
7. What's in your
"to read" pile? 1000 Gifts, If I Run, Just Claire (YA), Ten Steps to Girlfriend Status (YA), Hate List (YA), Coach Wooden: The Seven Principles that Shaped His Life and Will Change Yours, Conflict and Suspense (writing books), Write Your Novel from the Middle (writing book), Characters, Emotions and View Point (WB), Thicker Than Blood, The Survivor um, my list of books to read this summer is over 50 books long and I have at least 100 on my kindle I haven't read!
8. Favorite Christmas
movie? While You Were Sleeping, Scrooge (musical, 1970)
9. Barefoot or shoes? running shoes, Go Walks
10. Beach getaway or mountain hideaway? beach, but I might like to visit a mountain hideaway some time to see what it's like
11. Like snow? There's a reason I live in FL after 26 years
of lake effect snow
12. Favorite flavor of jelly beans? cinnamon
13. Which way do you cut your grilled cheese—diagonal or up
and down? Depends on my mood.
14. Dream destination? Mt Fuji or a Caribbean beach, but my next trip in tubing in the Smokey Mountain area. I also hope to take tour up the east coast. I fell in love with NYC!
15. Morning person or night person? Night, I do not ever
fall asleep before 11:00 p.m. even though I have to be up at 5:05 a.m. and that
feels like the middle of the night.
16. Dream vocation? Author of teen fiction books
17. Best accomplishment? That remains to be seen. I'd say my
kids or marrying my prince, but let's wait for the ending J
18. Places you've lived? Elkhart, IN, Winona Lake, IN
(college), Jacksonville, FL, South Cerney England, Grand Forks, ND, Okinawa
Japan, Ellsworth, SD, Alconbury/huntingdon/Mildenhal England, Valdosta, GA, FL
19. What kind/color socks are you wearing? Black Nike socks
that have L and R for which foot they go on. I even have them on the correct
20. What super power do you want? Speed or flying
21. Biggest fear? Ending up alone and broke.
22. What faction would you chose? (if you've read or seen
Divergent) Not sure. I think I might be Divergent. I'd love to say Dauntless,
but I'm a whimp.
23. Favorite Disney or comic villain? don't know
24. Catholic, protestant, other or nothing? Protestant—Southern
Baptist now
25. Who influenced your life most? For better—my husband
26. If you could meet anyone living who would it be? Leroy
Jethro Gibbs—what do you mean he's not real???? Okay, maybe George W. Bush
27. If you could meet anyone from the past who would it be (not a Bible character)? don't know
28. Plan it or wing it? Depends on the occasion/outing.
Sometimes we just take off without knowing where we're going, but some things need to be planned.
29. Quirky habit? Not a habit, but I can't sleep if I'm in
contact with another person or pet.
30. Best talent? No real talents. Just perseverance.
31. Most unusual thing about you? Five of my kids are
adopted. But for those of you reading this blog, that's not unusual at all.
I've known most of my life that I was going to adopt.
32. Favorite quote or Scripture? Most of our favorite
Scriptures are actually taken out of context.
No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good,
and this is what he requires of you:
to do what is right, to
love mercy,
and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8
“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father
except through me." John 14:6
33. Favorite author, book or genre? Suspense, mostly
Christian like Brandilyn Collins and Terri Blackstock but also Mary Higgins Clark who writes "clean"
34. One thing you wished you knew how to do? Speak another
language. Write fiction. Dive shipwrecks. Ride a motorcycle.
35. What should be written on your tombstone? She made a
difference (that's my goal for life at least)