Wednesday, April 20, 2016

River's Dedication

Our church has a parent/child dedication three times a year (or maybe it's twice a year). The parents don't just dedicate the baby/child, they dedicate themselves to raise the child to know God. Jessica dedicated River two Sundays ago. Hunter attended, but didn't go up with her. He does not share our faith, although at one time he did. At least he came. Hunter's mom came and brought his niece, ZonaMae, and Zona Mae's other grandmother. 

Waiting to go into the church.

Braving it by herself.

With the pastor

We did not manage to get everyone in a picture. Ty was at work, and Adam was on his way home from his reserve weekend. Others were getting cake.

Mrs. Ginger is between Rick and I. She's the children's minister and has played an important role in our kids' lives.
Our photos look more like a line up than a family photo!!!

Papa Rick and River

Adam got there after it ended.

Here are a few other photos of River from other days.

1 comment:

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