Sunday, February 4, 2018

Night Photography

Night Photography is NOT my favorite. I did worse this time than last time I had it. But last time I took a three week class and had the instructor with me when I took the photos. 

I went back to the marina where we'd taken those photos and found that I was right in the middle of the Mardi Gras celebration. So instead of a dark, quiet place to shoot, I was surrounded by drunken partiers. Since the whole place was lit up, my night photos were not dark enough.


At home:



Glo sticks:

Light Saber fight: (Jasmine and Tyler dueling in the dark)

Any thoughts?


Anonymous said...

When I left a comment on your previous set of photos, it never showed up. Let's hope this one does. My favorite is definitely the first one of the Glo Sticks photos. The only thing I don't like about it is the one spot that is brighter than the rest.

megan said...

I like the last laser fight photo

Emily said...

The light saber fights are AWESOME!

Kathy Cassel said...

Ken- wonder why your other comment never showed up? Ty was trying to do the bat sign. The bright spot is probably where he held it for a second so my camera could get a focus in the dark.

Megan and Emily -- Those were my favorites too.

JFIEB said...

I applaud your sense of design, composition, and balance, and I like your creativity. Too bad you don’t have a better camera.