Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Quick Updates

 We have new fur babies. Abbi delivered her first kitten around 6 a.m. Saturday. Then there was a delay as she delivered a stillborn, and she removed it from the area. Then she delivered another kitten. I had to leave right after the first one, but Rick kept me informed. He told me all three kittens were black, and two were live births.

So when I got home, I reached into the kennel to lift one out and see it, and I pulled out an orange and white one!! No one had realized she'd had a third live birth!

This is right after the first one was born.

Mama with her three kitties.

I also painted  my office.

Keeping up with the kitty situation and getting moved into the new house has kept me really busy.
Abbi's sister Rosie should be delivering her kittens in the next couple of weeks. I had made spay appointments, but the cats were pregnant before appointment day came.

I am also working on the manuscript for The Christian Girl's Guide to Middle School which will release April 2020. I think it will be a fun and useful book for girls in grades 5-7.

Oh, and I also got my motorcycle endorsement yesterday. I had to retest. I tend to freeze up on tests and do stupid things even though I can do the skills. I also bought a 250cc Honda Rebel.
I'll post pictures of that later.

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