Thursday, December 20, 2018

Photos to go with my ramblings in the last post

Here are a few photos to back up the things from the last post.

These are our four dogs.

And our original Cat:

She has been rather put out at things since the hurricane. Nothing is the same. And we've had all the extra kittens/cats.

The dogs haven't been able to go out like they used to because both our wooden fence and chain link fences were demolished by falling trees.

Here are the extras:

This is Abbi. She had been limping for several days, so I finally took her to the vet. Vet said she'd probably been bitten on the leg by another animal and was infected. She got a shot for inflamation/pain and an antibiotic shot. I had them give her a rabies shot also. She is about a year old. Six pounds. And I am $101 poorer!!

This is Rosie. We think she must be a litter mate to Abbi. She's sitting on a pile of books that were at my flea market shop. She gets into any kind of food. She will chew through cat food and dog food bags, get on the counter and swipe people food right off the stove etc. Quite a handful, but very friendly and sweet.

Shy kitty. He doesn't want held or to come in. But he's come to trust us for food. We call him Spencer.

This is what our house looks like with the contents of our shop dumped in it!!  Fun, huh?

We are still waiting to see what they are going to do about the house. This room does not have a black mold ceiling like two of our rooms.

Hope to be posting fun family pictures soon. We are dealing with issues right now though. It boils down to the school giving my child another chrome book and him watching super heroes videos all day during class and then them being upset he has Fs. Hmmm. Let's take away his chrome book. That was my solution. And I did take it, but he told them it was ruined in the hurricane and simply got another one!

Friday is the last day of school before vacation!! And it's late enough that it's already Friday here!

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