Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Christmas Eve

Traditionally everyone comes over on Christmas Ever to celebrate. That way they can have Christmas mornings with their own families. Only Jeff and Ashley were missing. This was River's second Christmas and Winter's first Christmas. I put pulled pork in the crock pot, and everyone comes over after the Christmas Eve service. Tyler missed service this year because he worked, and the rest of us missed it because the dogs snuck out of the gate, and Travis returned bloody and injured right before we were going to leave.

River, 23 months

Adam and Jasmine


Tara with Jessica's baby, Winter, 8 months

Adam, Tara and Kealen

Winter, 8 months, this was a few days before Christmas eve

 Hunter, Jessica, River and Winter
Group photo left to right, Rick (Grandpa), Jessica holding Winter, Hunter, Kayla, 12, Me (Gigi), River barely visible between Adam and me, Jasmine in from of me, Kaleb next to Jasmine, Tara holding Kealen, Tyler in back


 Jessica with River
 Tyler with his gift from Jasmine
Winter with her ball from Jasmine

 River with a Wish and Spin Shine I gave her
Tara, Kealen and Adam

Uncle Adam gave River a broom and mop set

Kealen with a Thomas play bank I gave him


Winter and Uncle Adam

Jasmine and Tara

The boys

I will be posting more photos soon.

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