Wednesday, August 23, 2017

At the Bay

It is really hot in our shop, so I decided I wanted to swim once we closed the shop Sunday evening. But there are no pools, so we decided to swim in the bay. This is not usually done. I think only our family actually swims there. And Kaleb and I were the only ones who swam. We swam over to where you see the trees and back.

 He did great, so I asked him why he'd said he hated swim team when he is a very capable (although very unfocused) swimmer. He decided to try it for another year.
We took two of the dogs to the bay with us to cook out.
The top three pictures were actually taken after the ones below as you can tell by the setting sun.

 Jasmine is trying out a camera we got a second hand store for 50 cents. It works!

Now that school has started, schedules are already crazy, so we carve out time together when and where we can.

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