Sunday, October 30, 2016

Other Things that May Interest You

This is one of four blogs. It's the one about my family.
One of my other blogs is for girls. It features devotions, quizzes, things from my books, photos and anything that might appeal to a 7-14ish old girl. That blog is HERE. Not long ago I was able to interview Burton Cole, who writes middle grade fiction. (That means it's for roughly 8-12 year olds). His newest book is Bash and the Chocolate Milk Cows. You can read about it HERE

Another of my blogs is for teens. You can find it HERE. This blog has interviews with authors who write for teens. These are all Christian authors, but they write a wide variety of genres. I also review YA fiction, mostly secular. Here are the ones I've featured.
Diana Sharples

Cynthia Toney

Bryan Davis

AJ Cattapan

Monica Mynk
Jean Ann Williams

Sherrie Giddens

JC Morrows

Tonja Condray Klein

Katherine Nelson

Angela Moody

My last blog is for parents, but really it also covers a lot of stuff of interest to women (and maybe some men). You can find it HERE. One of the special features of that blog is "Quick Tips." These are brief articles about different topics. They normally consist of three bulleted points and are the kind of thing people used to cut out of newspapers and clip to their fridge. Now I guess you'd simply bookmark it, but somehow that's not the same. Here are some of the topics we've covered:

I also have a webpage HERE. Please take a few minutes to check out these link.

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