Sunday, August 7, 2016

Today's Activities are Tomorrow's Memories

Okay, I just made that up, but doesn't it sound impressive? LOL.

Well, yesterday we went to a state park and made tomorrow's memories.

Tyler and Kayla opted out. Jessica had another activity, and Adam was at his reserve weekend.

The tubing didn't amount to much. It was only about a foot deep and no current.

It's a lot shorter jump than the 22 foot drop at Wakulla. This was about a three foot drop into 8 or so feet of water. It's a spring for 72F year round. For water, 72F is cold. You need a wet suit if you stay in long.

Jasmine wasn't sure about it, but she tried it once.

The cold water caught her by surprise, and she didn't like it. So this was her only jump.

Rick went several times. He tried to bounce on it like it was a diving board, and that didn't go so well.

The child who was suppose to pack the forks for the hot dogs and marshmallows, the plates and napkins and matches, left them sitting on the counter. But we had paper towel and one set of tongs in the car so made do with that.

These are the moments memories are made of.

Check out my post on the Tyndale blog about making the most of the final moments of summer HERE


kayder1996 said...

Way behind on your blog so I played catch up and read through quite a few old posts. Lots of fun things going on!

Kathy Cassel said...

It feels like less this summer due to trips and rain.