I want a Little People Nativity but they never have those left to mark down after Christmas.
The Nativities are the only part of the decorating that I do. If it was up to me, I'm afraid the tree wouldn't get put up. Good thing Jessica likes to do that.
I also have always wanted the little people one and this year I found it at Walmart for $15 and grabbed it up but it seemed to be the regular price
Maybe it's the Little Tykes one I'm thinking of because it was about $35. But any like that would be good. There's one in the Christian bookstore but haven't seen one at Walmart. I could check online.
I thought we had a lot of nativity sets. The first one I had John and I bought on our honeymoon. It was just the stable and Mary, Joseph and Jesus. I gave it to Heather last Christmas thinking she'd like it. Then we bought one at Family Christian that is like a little people. It's really cute. Then I got one from my friend Laura that looks like it's a set from the 40s I want to get a stable for it when they go on sale. Then John's mom brought me a real cute little one from Peru when she and Shane went there. Instead of a sheep it has a llama. The one I would really like to have is the one I used to put up when I was growing up. It had shepherds, wise men, camels etc. And a cool stable. I think my brother Dave has it because he made the stable for it.
beautiful nativity sets. we have 4 up this year : one I got from Oriental trading the girls play with, one from Haiti in a coconut shell, 2 others I got online clearnace. One of which I leave out all year. Oh, we also have one in the front yard Dad cut out for me last year. Our Nativities are the first decoration up and last put away.
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