Friday, February 12, 2010

Cupcakes and Beyond

The twins eat pretty much anything except vegetables. They spit those out!!! This was such an easy bean recipe, and they inhaled it, and then Kayla licked the plates. Hmmmm.

What a ham!

Jasmine was in charge of the cupcakes. Looks like she was feeling the responsibility. The adjustments have been a bit harder for her than the older ones because the changes effect her more.

Jasmine and Kaleb

He was eating it paper and all. I had to show him (and Kayla) how to remove the cupcake paper.

Guess who decided to see how fast he could ride his new bike through the mud in the yard? Good thing it was mud not cement!


Renee said...

They are all just so sweet! I had one eat the paper first time they had cupcakes too.

You can literally see them blossoming with your love.

One Crowded House said...

sweet Jasmine... those two little ones probably came and rocked her world a bit!

Kimmie said...

Oh those smiles...what JOY!

Your children have such sparkling eyes. ;)

mama to 7
one homemade and 6 adopted

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

Love your pics :)

Karen said...

I wondered how Jasmine was doing. She's looking very good from the surgery. I thought the cupcake story was cute. Can I use that sometime in my devos?